don't forget that ItemInfo inherits some parameters from InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F (eg.there is the same ItemInfo subclass but with different parameters.in addition to default parameters mentioned in muzzle accessories class, there is weaponInfoType to choose a correct resource for weapon info directly inside optic class.for hiding of magazine:Ĭlass MuzzleFlashROT Optics custom reload animation have a good use of newly added parameter unHideValue for hide type of animations - you are now able to make asymmetrical animations eg.Good practice is to place them in same distance form focus point there needs to be a focus point, the best place is the red dot of collimator, with memory point OP_look by default and several points for eye, usually OP_eyeX where X is the number of the point.

this selection needs to have an axis in memory lod, default naming is OP_axis.There are also many community game modes that bring new scenarios to Arma 3. there needs to be a selection that is going to rotate (in case of collimator sights), default naming is OP Arma 3 also has fun multiplayer modes like Defense and Seize.adjustable sights for grenade launchers.

Do note you gotta have like a big CPU cooler to OC. optics should be on proxy \A3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\TOP Im running it now on 4,3 GHZ and get 50-60 fps online doesnt go lower than 40.First off, you don't need to name the file server.cfg. If you want to change the configuration of your Arma 3 server, you will need to create a file manually, and then set a startup parameter on the server control panel to load that file on startup. I've noticed when I configure Arma video resolution smaller than the native resolution, the mouse cursor is very small, and after using twice Alt/tap the mouse cursor seem to be bigger. muzzle accessory should be on proxy \A3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\MUZZLE Arma 3 does not provide a server.cfg by default. Try Alt/tab to switch to the desktop and come to Arma.Once you have purchased your dedicated server, you are allowed to upload your custom apps and even tweak the server map list. Please be aware of our Arma 3 modding license:Īdditional functionality compared to A2/OA Citadel offers hosting for Arma 3 from as low as 0.85 per slot/player and the advantage of hosting with the Citadel servers is that you will be provided with Arma 3, all Arma 3DLC, and Arma 3 Apex. 1 Additional functionality compared to A2/OA.